Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Summer time.
Well, actually we have summer all year long, since our winter is like the middle of summer in Canada, now it's about 36°c and the humidity is about 60%-70%! Of course every house is air-conditioned but still it is hot. So the only thing left to do is to be on the beach or in the pool.
Even though it is unbearably hot, summer time it’s my favourite period of the year.

When I was in high school all I did during summer vacation was to sit on the beach from morning to dusk. The sea in Israel is great since the water is warm and we do not have sharks, unfortunately we do have jellyfish and a lot of them!

On the beach, our national sport is “Matkot” (beach ball)- if you were in Israel so you probable know what its means since you can’t miss it, if not, here is a short explanation: It is a little bit like tennis - 2 people (most likely young and well formed) trying to strike a tiny ball with an Israeli version of table tennis rackets (the Israeli version is much larger and made of wood).

Almost every body are playing this game so the only sound you can hear on the beach is the ball hitting the racket. The most important thing about this sport is when someone missing a strike the ball will usually land on somebody’s forehead.

I think this game is like a courting game - usually played by young people showing off their body and their flexibly in striking the elusive ball. I wasn’t good in this Matkot game and of course there are others like me, however, everybody will proudly tell you how they are the champions of this game.

Today, my main sport is to chase my 1 year daughter that just learned how to walk.


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